Wednesday, March 01, 2006

One of those days

This is one of those days.

The wind is howling outside, literally blowing you sideways into tomorrow.
Gusts of 50 mph of arctic strength, coming at you from the East
like some Posiedon's arm shoving you to where it wants you to go.
No matter where you're headed.

And if you're smart, you're indoors,
eating fresh caribou stew, and homemade bread, warm from the oven.
and cookies with so many chocolate chips, your face is brown to your chin.

And if you're alone, this is one of those days that you can't help but think.
No distraction does it today.
Not today.

It is time.
Time to think.

Think of all those other days that have come before.
All those people that have come before.
all those who have crossed your path, or crossed you.
Or that you yourself have crossed.
All those people who got in your way, either with or without your blessing.

Would you do it again?
Would you change anything?
Would you have loved more freely?
Laughed more readily?
Been aware of more than taking up space? Truly tried to touch each and every one, no matter who?
Would you have been more forgiving of all foibles, your own included?
Would you have been less you?
Or more you?

Can you see the ghosts of the past, your own , and them that's yet to be?
What do they have to tell you?
What do you have to learn from them?

what is this energy and matter that is all ?
what is this life?
what is this point?

How do we know what to do next?

The gods care for drunks, fools babies and sailors, all of which I've been.
Perhaps that is why I am still here.

What work will you have me do now?

I am bidden by a hand much larger than my own, much larger than yours.
Much larger.

Where I go does not matter.
I will be given the energy to do.


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