Monday, September 26, 2005

Watch profound insanity unfold before your very eyes


This man is clever, and smart, but exceedingly insane.

A blog to watch!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Image vs. Word

So what if...?
Check out Leonard Shlain's theory.
Leonard Shlain is the Chairman of Laparoscopic surgery at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and is an Associate Professor of Surgery at UCSF. .. I think he might qualify as a kind of authority. He propounds a fascinating theory which explains the current mess the human race is in.

Although, he subjugates Riane Eisler (and just about everyone else's) theory that peaceful, creative goddess cultures were usurped by the Kurgan hordes, what he bespeaks on a molecular i.e scientific rational measurable level makes more sense (Eisler excluded) than anything I have read to date.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Autumn's Arrived

In blowzy old Kotzebue. ..windy, rainy, disgusting.
How the hell long am I here for???

The eye of gawd peeps sorely upon the rabble of the arctic coast...

This god is pissed.

Katrina,kotzebue..its all the same to this god.

Happy birthday, bro.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Researcher training. Anchorage. Beautiful weather. On my way to help my bro re-acclimate to his own home, his new life.

I can only imagine what stories he will have after 10 days in an ICU coma.
Goddess, let me help him reconnect at his pace, his time this, his new life.
Hypoxic trauma to the lungs baroreceptor sites cannot be pretty. And going home on a Vanc IV regimen, with a sub-clav port is pretty scary shit. Glad I can be part of his recovery.

Grateful to be a part of my own.